Minor Program

Digital Humanities Minor — Download PDF 

Christopher Newport University offers an interdisciplinary minor in digital humanities for undergraduates. The program is designed to meet the following objectives:

  1. Provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to prepare them for careers where digital media and technology enrich approaches to traditional humanities-oriented fields and projects such as education, library science, museum curation, non-profits, political campaigns, graduate research, design, fine art, and music/film/theater/dance production, as well as related fields like mass communication, journalism, and marketing.
  2. Provide students with the concepts and vocabulary necessary for actively contributing to on-going conversations regarding how the digital has changed what it means to be human, what shape future humanities research should/will take, the status of print culture, and the value of copyright.
  3. Provide students with the ability to operate and experiment with various digital media applications, utilize technological tools, and code basic programs for analyzing texts and other humanities works.

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